Bride of the Killer Piñata—Title Sequence


Screaming with laughter.

You’ve got your popcorn and you’re settled in. The lights dim, the trailers have (finally) come to an end, and your feature presentation is about to begin. But first…the opening titles.

An opening title sequence is more than informative, it’s a creative opportunity to set the stage—err, screen—for the film. It’s an opportunity to prime the audience for the adventure they are about to begin. Angry Mule Film’s Bride of the Killer Piñata is an independent horror-comedy movie, one deserving of a silly, but suspenseful and sophisticated opening title sequence. A service we were happy to provide.

The Saul Bass-inspired opening sequence is dark, but colorful; energetic, but suspenseful; includes Easter eggs for fans of the first movie, while setting the tone for the sequel. It contains multitude, and we certainly had a multitude of fun creating it.

Original music composed by Ryan Aldrich

Our Contributions:

  • Executive Production
  • Concept & Style
  • 2D Animation & Motion Graphics
  • Illustration & Design

Opening Title Sequence


Select Final Frames


Shrill (Hulu)—TV/Film VFX


Ritual Zero Proof—Promo