

Character design and designing with character.

While local home design destination, Studio41, is known across Chicagoland for exceptional style and selection, not everyone knows about their amazing service. Together, Studio41’s showroom, selection and services make the monumental task of remodeling a bathroom not only manageable, but enjoyable as well. We worked with producer, SweetBaby Media to create an explainer video to help spread the word.

Our custom, hand drawn characters and scenes/frames explain Studio41’s service while capturing their polished, personable brand. From character design to environment to animation, it was a pleasure to help tell this consumer journey story and support a fellow local business.

Produced by SweetBaby Media

Our Contributions:

  • Design & Illustration
  • Character Design
  • Storyboards
  • 2D Animation & Motion Graphics

Habitat—Animated Holiday Card


AAR Corp—Tradeshow